Thursday, April 29, 2010


I have to pick the red one. But only because of a personal reason. Nah, never mind that.
How 'bout you? How are you and how do you feel today?
Long time no blog, tweet, or any (online) social networking interactions lately. I don't do Facebook anymore, boring as hell.
Soooo, what to do now?
How about some fashion update? Sounds good?
Ok then! :D

I'm quite into jackets and outerwear right now, even though it's practically 40 degree Celsius out here in Jakarta. Here's some of them that catch my attention:

Adoring this Shape Shiftr velvet jacket so much, and I love this whole look, not too girly and overdo. Nice.

This Prabal Gurung Topper jacket is somewhat not a jacket, more like an outwear, but I love it. The color is just beautiful. Definitely would love to have it for my presentations.

1 word, gorgeous. Love it love it love it and I wanna have it! Ohh, give me this Tutu Blu cardigan, pleaseee.

I think that's it for this hour. Let me see if I can update it on the next hour. Time for blogwalking!
Until then fellas!

Monday, April 12, 2010


I miss you.
You. Yes, you.
If you think it's you that I'm missing, you're right.
Definitely, it's you.
Do I have to tell you why?
Do you need to know?
Is it not good enough to know that I miss you?
The fact that I am missing y-o-u.
If it's not good enough, then I think I was wrong,
for missing you.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky you'll get by

If you smile through your pain and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you.

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear maybe ever so near

That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you'll just smile.

That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you'll just smile.

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky you'll get by

That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you'll just smile.

You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you'll just smile.

Smile - Charlie Chaplin

Monday, April 5, 2010



The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before.
- Albert Einstein

image courtesy of The Sartorialist

Panic Attack

Ok, so I'm posting in the middle of the night, my group paper is not done yet, let alone to be printed, and the deadline is tomorrow. My stress level is up to its highest rate, and I just don't know what and how am I supposed to do now. Stressed out. Oh, and did you know that stressed spelled backward is desserts? Now I want one. Yeap, in the middle of the night. I couldn't care less.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

No Wonder

Ok, so this is quite funny. I was just googling to search on how to add pages in my blog, but I stopped typing because I saw this. Apparently, this is what Indonesian people need to know right now.. LOL

6 of them are actually about food. And that makes me hungry now. Better check what's left on my refrigerator. Later!
Aal Iiz Well.

Remember that, Sara.
(via sergeantkero @ tumblr)

This reminds me of my
"You're the apple to my pie, the ice to my tea, the coca to my cola."
And for this, I'm smiling.

(via apriliciate @ tumblr)

Yes, we need to know that.


via Ruby Gatta.

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Little Bit Too Late

Di umur gw yang tepat 21 tahun bulan lalu ini, gw merasa gagal. Gagal untuk memaksimalkan masa remaja gw sebaik mungkin. Dan ini baru gw sadari sekarang. Ya, si kata terlambat ini memang datangnya selalu belakangan, sesuai dengan kultur orang Indonesia mungkin ya, sukanya telat.

Gw melewatkan masa SMA gw hanya dengan sekolah, pacaran dan hang out sama temen-temen gw. Gw tidak tergabung sama OSIS SMA, atau pun ikut kegiatan-kegiatan di luar sekolah. Ekstra kurikuler gw ada 2, softball dan saman. Softball, cuma ikut latihan 2 kali, dan saman, walaupun sempet ikut manggung di 2 event, but that's it. Bener-bener plain.

Kuliah, cuma 2 kata, salah jurusan. Ya, setelah di semester 6 ini pula, gw semakin ngerasa kalo Bisnis, sama sekali bukan dunia gw. Gw merasa jauh dibawah temen-temen gw yang lain, yang keliatannya sangat enjoy dengan dunia perekonomian dan bisnis. Gw merasa, this is not my world. Dan mungkin udah terlambat bgt ya buat gw untuk pindah jurusan dan kuliah, jadi sekarang gw cuma harus bertahan 2 semester lagi, dan berusaha sebaik mungkin ngejalanin kuliah gw ini.

To be honest, gw gak merasa punya suatu kelebihan yang bisa gw banggakan. Akademis, gw gak pinter-pinter amat. Istilahnya, lulus mata kuliah aja alhamdulillah. Gw gak bisa main musik, walaupun gitar bisa sedikit kunci A, B, dan teman-temannya. Cabang olahraga khusus? Gak ada. Ikut organisasi apapun juga nggak. Bahasa, gw cuma bisa Bahasa Inggris, walaupun sempet diajarin Bahasa Arab di sekolah dulu, tp sekarang udah gak berbekas sama sekali. Apalagi ya? You name it, and I will say that I don't think I can do it.

Sekarang ini, gw bener-bener salut dengan anak-anak jaman sekarang, yang punya prestasi dan suatu kelebihan yang udah mereka sadari dari sekarang. Mereka udah lebih bisa menyuarakan pendapat mereka, and they're not afraid to put their mind into an action(s). Contoh aja Alanda Kariza. She's the founder of the Indonesian Youth Conference, sebuah acara yang menghadirkan forum yang khusus dibuat dari remaja untuk remaja untuk dapat menyuarakan pendapat mereka dan didengar.

Setelah nonton 3 Idiots, which was like the greatest Indian movie I've ever watched, gw baru tersadar. Gw gak punya passion yang segitunya, gak seperti Rancho di film itu yang passionnya untuk belajar sangat besar, dan Farhan yang suka bgt sm fotografi. Mungkin adalah 1 atau 2 bidang yang gw tertarik dan suka, tapi cuma sebatas itu aja. Gw gak mendalami lebih jauh lagi, semuanya terkesan setengah-setengah.

Dan sekarang, di umur gw yang 21 tahun ini, gw merasa gagal.

Mungkin belum begitu terlambat buat gw untuk mulai mencari dan menemukan passion gw itu, which is what I'm trying to do now. Gw yakin, gw akan menemukan passion gw, dan di saat gw udah tau apa itu, gw gak akan setengah-setengah menjalaninya.